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Ez Carrier - Ezcla 2-42 - Electric Lift Class 2

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EZCLA 2-42
FSA EligibleFSA Eligible
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(28" X 42")
EZCLA 2-42
FSA EligibleFSA Eligible
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The EZCL Electric Carrier our cost effective alternative for an mobility device lift.

Take your wheelchair or scooter with you with the flip of a switch.

Pull the pin and fold up the carrier platform manually like a tailgate.

This scooter carrier is ideal for the heavier scooters and mid-wheel drive power chairs.

Drive your mobility wheelchair, scooter, or power chair on and off either side of the platform.

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Manufacturer Ez Carrier
Code EZCLA 2-42
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Product Size (28" X 42")
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Ez Carrier - Ezcla 2-42 - Electric Lift Class 2
